I was just wondering what many of you did today, Easter Sunday.  Please feel free to comment below and tell us how and if you celebrated Easter today.  I have also included an interesting clip about the history of the Easter bunny.  Enjoy!

Just letting you know that tomorrow is my birthday, and I will be bringing some goodies to share with you in class.  I know that we have been talking a lot about food, recipes, and nutrition; so I will be sure to include the recipes to anything I make for the class.  Don't feel obligated to bring a thing!  Just come!  We can sing, eat, celebrate, and learn together!

By the way,   that is a picture of me and my twin sister.  Can you guess which one is me?

On Tuesday we had a discussion about children's books.  I emphasized that I know that you are NOT children!  You are adults and all of the reading and assignments we do in class are made for you, adult.  However, many of you have asked me about children's books because you want to be able to read books to your children and grandchildren.  We also discussed the benefits of reading children's books.

  • We can practice our pronunciation
  • We can read these books to our children and grandchildren
  • The stories are exciting and funny
  • The illustrations are often beautiful
  • There is a lot of vocabulary in the stories and the beautiful pictures help us to understand the meanings (instead of translating).

I hope that you all enjoyed reading the books aloud in class and that the were able to see the benefits of reading these books. 

What are some of your favorite books? They can be children's books or even adult books.  Please tell us and include a link to

Some of you had some questions about St. Patrick's Day.  Below is a link to a video about the origin of St. Patrick's day.

The Origin of St. Patrick's Day

Also, don't forget about the St. Patrick's Day Parade in New Haven!  Who is going?

Last night we had a great discussion about the challenges some of you had when you first came to the U.S.A.  You also have a writing assignment where you can write about some of these experiences.  Feel free to share your thoughts here.  What were some of your first experiences in the U.S.A  like?  Have your feelings for the U.S.A or your home country changed?  How?  When did you realize that you had adapted to life here?  What  are some things that helped you learn English or adjust to American life?

On Tuesday night we will read an article in "Easy English News" about Obesity in the United States.  After we read and discuss the article, we will head to the computer lab and do our first ever Webquest.  If you can't wait until Tuesday, following this link and you'll be able to see what is in store for us!

I saw "Argo" on Saturday night and thought that it might be interesting to ask you about any movies you have seen lately.  Are there any movies you would recommend?  What are your favorite movies of all time?

For your information, I liked "Argo", but didn't really care for all of the Hollywood characteristics of it, especially the super close calls.  Too Hollywood for me.  As for my favorite movie?  "Casablanca".  It's just a timeless classic.