On Thursday we are having a Hamden firefigher come to class and your homework is to write at least 5 questions for him. Feel free to share some of you questions in the comments section below.

This evening we talked about how state taxes vary from state to state.  Below is a link that details the different tax rates depending upon the state.

I am curious to know what you think of each state's tax rate.  Where would you like to live?



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Last night in class we read two great articles about taxes in the U.S.  What kind of taxes come out of your paychecks, how to read your pay stubs, and how to file a tax return.  For more information about taxes you can go to www.irs.gov.  Also, it is a good idea to check with the library between the months of January to March.  The library sometimes offers free tax services to those making $51,000 or less a year.  It is a great way to save money!

We also had a great discussion about taxes and money in general.  For more information, you can check out our vocabulary list.

What are your thought about taxes.  Do you think they are too high?  Too low?  What did you learn from lesson last night?

That plane is not plain!
Today in class we talked about words that sound the same, but are spelled differently. These words are called homophones.  Homophones can be  very frustrating for ESOL students to learn, but once you learn them, they may become kind of fun to play with.  Here is a website that provides you with further explanation of what a homophone is and some practice with common homophones.  Feel free to explore that site or do some research on your own.  Can you think of any homophones?  Feel free to add them in comments below.

Here is a great list of homophones